Tuesday, August 07, 2012

All Goodness Comes together

I am still missing all that eventful weekend that has passed. I dare say it is one of those weekend i make so many friends that i am feeling all their goodness come together.

it all begin with Friday, i was suppose to join the colleagues for sumptous dinner after work at Todai, MBS but i also had the birthday party of a new friend i had to be at. Weeks towards the event bbbb and i got together and spent time assembling a series of items we tot will suit Juliana. We first bought her a clutch that was a love at first sight.. I was hunting for a sandal to wear on my trip to Hong Kong when bbbbb notice a clutch displaying at a corner of the shop, it wasnt long before my eye saw the same thing and we knew it was the correct gift.

We also got her a dress, i hinted to bbbb i had the intention to get her a pretty yet formal dress, when i pulled out the black mesh dress with a white panel across the middle, he immediately gave the green light!

The last time we assembled was a necklace, i knew the outfit wouldnt look all that complete without a chunky necklace and i am really glad we found it at a trusty stall i always head to for accessories. We summarize the look with a black sleeky gift box that bbbb say will suggest it wasnt just a gift with a feminine touch, but that of a alliance of two gender.. haha.. I sure hope Juliana like them =)  (super confident it will look good on her btw, she has real slender long leg & a cheerful personality, she can pull it off)

On friday we were super lucky to grab hold of the ticket to catch "Dark Knight" at AMK hub, it's a must-see movie!!!~ not that Batman is cute this time, but Robin definitely was!!~ no crying scene, except maybe when the bartler left Batman.. and Anna Hathaway is REALLY hot, the amount of weight she lost - i dun get how her boobs stay that pretty!
On saturday morning i was awoke in my sleep by the sound of dripping water... I am a natural light sleeper and tiny bit of noise was enough to keep me wide awake. My first thought was correct - bbbbb's air con was leaking and his brother is sleeping nearby!!~

We immediately jump awke from the bed and rush into action, placing towel on the floor to soak up the puddle of water, then remove anything that had gotten wet. 

i always have this attraction for man who could get their hands dirty and things fix - likemy Father for example.   That morning after breakfast, i google solutions on fixing the air con leak and found the remedy on youtube!

Not too long after - AGAINST BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB PERSISTANT REJECTTION - i brought his house apart!!~

haha, i am super confidant he will help me and monitor whatever i was doing - afterall, he wasnt prepare to pay for my damages - there were THREE aircon in his place that needed servicing ALTOGETHER - they are using the same compressor. 

Anyhow - i am a genius!! haha.. okok.. bbbb is the real engineer, his innovative solutions to fixing the leak makes me regret  paying for servicing all this time! We got the water vapur sucked out of all three air con and  dried the poor hardworking vacuum cleaner. That same night we confirm the air-cons were all workng - cooler even!

The sense of accomplishment feels sooooo good, aint you prooud of me already =)


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