Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Can someone finally tell me what Sharon blog is?

Pau, cheer up, i feel exactly the way you feel, the feeling of being ignore, not being the second priority of someone elses' life is terrible. Lets work hard at winning back your priority and as for me, lets just encourage me to grow up.

Its time to differentiate our status accordingly.

The man and i watch chocolate yesterday, it was a treat from him to thank me for the laptop. I lend him my lappy to catch the latest soccer streaming life, i feel better with him around too, for everytime i complained about something irrelevant, looking at the way he seems pretty much care-less about it makes me wanna care lessser about them too.

Apel!!!! time to hang out!! My june working schedule is tuesday, wednesday, thursday and sunday, so every other day call my mobile is free for meetup, haha make the effort!!!

"making the effort makes the difference"

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